DEEP down, we all know Scotland has a drink problem. But what are you prepared to do about it? This must be the starting point for us all this week as we consider proposals to be brought forward by Kenny MacAskill, our crusading Justice Secretary. MacAskill has taken it upon himself to make Scots wake….
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A group of Canadian researchers has demonstrated the truth of a practice commonly used in European countries like The Netherlands and Switzerland: Heroin can be an effective treatment for chronic, relapsing heroin addicts. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the study is “the first rigorous test of the approach performed in North America,”….
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Alcoholism – one of the main reasons behind deadly road accidents, assaults and increasing cases of domestic violence – has been deteriorating the life of millions of people across the globe. Alcohol, when consumed, may relax you and give you the feeling of being less anxious, but you should not forget that it has direct….
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Approximately 4 per cent of the world’s adults – some 162 million people – use cannabis every year, making it the world’s most widely used illicit drug. In some countries, more than half of all young people have tried it. In spite of this high rate of usage, many basic facts about cannabis remain obscure…..
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A Record 10,000 heroin addicts have sought methadone treatment in HSE centres across the country so far this year. New figures obtained by the Irish Independent reveal an alarming increase in the number of addicts in towns and cities across the country as seizures of heroin by gardai also soar to unprecedented levels. Approximately 2,000….
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