A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

Who Answers?

Maryland Treatment Centers

Maryland AA Meetings

Finding a support group in Maryland that can help you overcome alcoholism or alcohol addiction starts with a search of the local AA chapters and meetings.  Meetings take place throughout the state providing supportive help and guidance to those who are in recovery from alcohol addiction as well as to those who wish they could make a full recovery from this disease.  The following links provide greater details pertaining to local AA meetings taking place throughout Maryland:

Balitmore Intergroup AA

Washington DC AA

Hagerstown Area Intergroup AA

The Lower Shore Intergroup AA

Ocean City Intergroup

AA Maryland Area 29

Al-Anon Family Groups

For the family members and loved ones of those who suffer from alcohol addiction, sometimes support is necessary to help them get through the day and to understand that their loved one’s addiction is not their fault. Al-Anon family groups provide support to those who are negatively affected by a loved one’s addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Al-Anon Baltimore Area

Al-Anon Maryland and District of Columbia

Anne Arundel County Maryland and The Eastern Shore of Maryland  Al-Anon/Alateen

Al-Anon Maryland Area

Mental Health Services

The department of mental health services in each county provides referrals, treatment and care to those suffering from a wide range of mental health problems, substance abuse disorders and other illnesses.  Contact a local mental health services division for help overcoming anxiety, depression, substance abuse or various mental health conditions.

Mental Health Association of Maryland: MHAMD

Mental Health Association of Montgomery County

Maryland Coalition of Families for Children’s Mental Health

The Mental Health Center

Anonymous Groups

Free State Region NA – Narcotics Anonymous meetings for those suffering from a wide range of substance abuse disorders.

Baltimore Area NA – Help for residents of the Baltimore area.

Cocaine Anonymous DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia – Cocaine Anonymous meetings for those in recovery from cocaine addiction.

Marijuana Anonymous Maryland – 12 Step support groups for those who wish to recover from marijuana addiction.

Sex Addicts Anonymous Maryland – Support and 12 step recovery for individuals who suffer from sexual addiction.

Gamblers Anonymous Maryland – Support for gambling addiction and compulsive gambling.

Maryland Helplines

AIDS Hotline – call 800-638-6252

AIDS Hotline Metro DC & VA – call (800) 322-7432

Crisis Hotline – call 301-662-2255

Maryland Child Abuse Hotline – call 800-243-7337

Institute for Family Centered Services – call (410) 298-9727

Treatment & Detox Guide

Alcohol portrayals in films and advertisements make people drink more

New research has shown for the first time that portrayals of alcohol in films and TV advertisements have an immediate effect on the amount of alcohol that people drink. The research, published online in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, found that people who watched films and commercials in which alcohol drinking featured prominently immediately reached….

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The Real Cost Of Drinking

Every year 3,000 women die as a result of alcohol, while binge drinking among British teens is rocketing. Here four women explain how alcohol has blighted their lives The Binge Drinker Dawn Morris, 27, lives in Watford with her husband James, 29, a promotions manager, her five-year-old son, Lewis, and two-year-old daughter, Isabella. “At college….

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Primary Care for Alcoholics

In treating alcohol abuse and alcoholism, “we haven’t yet reached the Prozac moment,” says Dr. Mark Willenbring, referring to the drugs that radically changed the treatment of depression. But Dr. Willenbring, an expert on treating alcohol addiction, predicts that the day is not far off when giving a pill and five minutes of advice to….

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Heart rhythm risk seen in women's alcohol drinking

Women who consume more than two alcoholic drinks a day have a higher risk of getting the most common type of heart rhythm disturbance, which can raise the chances of having a stroke, researchers said on Tuesday. Previous research had shown that men who drink three or more alcoholic beverages daily have an elevated risk….

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The Genetics of Alcoholism

Alcoholism Genetics

Alcohol consumption is probably as old as human civilization, and so is its abuse. The social and physiological ill effects of alcoholism are well known. What is less clear is why certain individuals are more predisposed to it. Alcohol addiction is a multifactorial phenomenon where personality traits, individual and social influences interact with neurobiology, creating….

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