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Treatment & Detox Guide
Is 12-Step Treatment Right for You?

Are you thinking about going into treatment for drug or alcohol addiction? If you’re thinking about taking the first step to getting sober and you’re not sure if 12 step treatment is right for you this should clear up some of the questions that you have. Although 12-step treatment is not for everyone, this method….
Drug Addiction Intervention: The Steps to Saving a Loved One

Drug addiction is a disease plagued by chronic relapse and an array of serious side effects. When a family member or loved one is addicted, and you’ve tried to get them to seek help, an intervention may be the only safe, solid solution to the problem. Denial is often an interfering factor for those who….
A nudge towards sobriety and health?
If you picked up a bottle of wine and read on the label “The average British drinker drinks one glass of wine a night”, would it make you think twice before refilling your glass? The Conservatives believe it might – and that public information along those lines is one possible way to reduce binge drinking…..
10 Alarming Drug Abuse Statistics in the USA

Drug abuse is one of society’s oldest problems. It seems that the problem grows and grows, especially due to the fact that the number of substances of abuse has also risen and continues to rise. Understanding these drug abuse statistics can help you to understand the scope of America’s drug problem. 1. Almost 40% of….
Getting drunk drivers off roads a costly, complex problem
Mark says he is learning how to “live life on life’s terms.” After two drunken driving convictions and two marijuana possession convictions, the 34-year-old father of four is learning that it is time to grow up and make better choices. He’s learning how in an intensive DWI/Drug Court under the close supervision of McLennan County….