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Treatment & Detox Guide
The brain maintains language skills in spite of alcohol damage by drawing from other regions
Researchers know that alcoholism can damage the brain’s frontal lobes and cerebellum, regions involved in language processing. Nonetheless, alcoholics’ language skills appear to be relatively spared from alcohol’s damaging effects. New findings suggest the brain maintains language skills by drawing upon other systems that would normally be used to perform other tasks simultaneously. Prior neuroimaging….
Insurance Coverage For Drug Treatment
Most people who are seeking a drug rehab center and are fortunate enough to have health insurance want to know if it will by for the treatment. While there isn’t really a simple answer to this, there are some basic guidelines here that can help you understand the process a bit more and how it….
Unmistakable Signs of Meth Addiction and the Need for Treatment
When a loved one is addicted to methamphetamine the most important thing to do is get them into treatment immediately. Crystal meth, also known as glass or methamphetamine, is a dangerous drug and a meth addiction is a widely growing problem throughout the United States. Methamphetamine addiction is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate….
Treatment & Education is the Greatest Fight on War Against Drugs
Since the early 1970s, the War on Drugs has officially cost American taxpayers more than a trillion dollars! It is estimated that as many as two percent of the entire United States population is in prison and many of them are service sentences for drug related offenses. Still thousands more have died as a result….
Residential treatment centers
Addiction of any type has the power to ruin the life of an individual completely, so much so that it can lead to the death of the affected or even provoke the individual to become a social threat. The causes of addiction are not exact; anything can lead an individual to get addicted. The….