In the real world, there is no such thing as a typical addict. Never forget there’s a story behind each person falling prey to the demon rum or drugs or any other of the known vices. Once the benders blur together and substance abuse takes over someone’s life, the addiction becomes a social problem –….
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Binge drinking is more likely to be caused by parental example than allowing a teenager a glass of wine with a meal, according to the head of York’s youth offending team. The comments of Simon Page come after the Government’s chief medical advisor, Sir Liam Donaldson, said under 15s should drink no alcohol whatsoever and….
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Going to substance abuse treatment centers can be beneficial to your overall health and well-being. These facilities are specifically designed to work with individuals who have addictions so that they can live better and more productive lives that do not necessarily revolve around their addictions. If you are considering checking yourself into this type of….
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Maybe denial really IS just a river in Egypt. Lorraine T. Midanik, dean of the School of Social Welfare at the University of California in Berkeley, is convinced that the contemporary concept of denial as applied to alcoholism represents a weak link in the disease model of addiction. Neither the founding fathers of Alcoholics Anonymous,….
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There are many beliefs as to how alcoholism sets in, with a growing number of people accepting that this is a disease. There are multiple stages of alcoholism, all of which can be pinpointed if a person is facing an addiction. While it is not always easy to determine if somebody is addicted to alcohol,….
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