Anderson, Indiana Treatment Centers
Anderson, IN 46016 View Details →
Anderson, IN 46012 View Details →
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A whisky expert has called for children aged five and over to be “educated” about alcohol in a bid to combat its misuse. Whyte and Mackay master blender Richard Paterson said it was important to shape children’s behaviour around alcohol from a young age. Mr Paterson said:”We need to talk to young people about the….
Alcohol treatment centers provide a range of options and services that are aimed at helping alcoholics and their families to overcome the physical and psychological strongholds of addiction and regain control of their lives. Residential alcohol treatment centers provide inpatient treatment that, although not right for everyone is very beneficial at helping those who have….
New British research suggests that men who consumer just four pints of beer per week may increase their lifetime risk of being hospitalized. In the study of 5,772 Scottish men, researchers found that those who consumed just four pints of beer, eight shots of spirits or eight small glasses of wine per week were more….
Michael Walsh lost 16 years to alcohol and cocaine addiction. Now sober, he’s trying to help others find their way out through a new secular peer-support group called LifeRing. Alcoholics Anonymous was instrumental in his recovery, but as an atheist, Walsh, now 41, struggled with the concept of the higher power found in AA’s program…..
Substance abuse is a serious problem that affects thousands of people both rich and poor. Suffering from drug addiction does not have to be the end of your career and you don’t have to feel like there is no hope for you if you are a business professional who is addicted to drugs. Executive drug….
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