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Inpatient or Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Program

Inpatient alcohol treatment programs are ideal for heavy dependence and strong addictions. Outpatient treatment programs can work in mild cases of alcohol dependence. Most people find that a combination of treatment, inpatient followed by outpatient, is most effective. Do you really have to live at a treatment center in order to receive appropriate help for….
Indiana's state death rate may be influenced by state alcohol taxes.
From 2001 to 2005 alone, an average of 1,507 Hoosiers died each year from alcohol-related causes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recently, research has found that many of these deaths could have been prevented with higher alcohol tax rates. The American Journal of Public Health released a study Thursday that found….
Binge drinking – the Maltese way
Maltese boozers start younger but handle their drink better, an international study finds. And while the law has often been amended to address issues such as underage drinking, enforcement has to date been scant. James Debono analyses our alcohol culture through statistics Maltese teenagers are more likely to binge than their peers in the United….
Troubling binge-drinking trend turns up in study
Binge drinking typically conjures images of college frat boys at wild house parties smashing Lone Star cans on their foreheads. Texas State student Sarah Brown, however, knows a different reality. She’s seen firsthand that men haven’t cornered the market on binge drinking. “There’s a lot of guys who want to drink as much as they….
Alcohol poisoning: The hard facts
Poisoning caused by binge drinking – drinking excessively within a short period. For men, that’s five standard-sized alcoholic beverages within two hours. For women it’s four or more standard-sized drinks, which is defined as a 12-ounce beer, a 5- ounce glass of wine or a mixed drink with one shot. With excessive drinking, the liver struggles….