A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

Who Answers?

Louisiana Treatment Centers

Louisiana AA Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings provide 12-step recovery solutions for those suffering from alcohol addiction, alcoholism and alcohol abuse situations that they are ready to take control of.  There is no charge to attend AA meetings and the only real requirement is for the user to have a desire to quit drinking. For a complete list of local AA meetings taking place in Louisiana, visit:  Louisiana AA

Al-Anon Family Groups

Often times, the loved ones and friends of those who suffer from alcoholism also suffer great tragedy and stress as a result of this terrible disease. Al-Anon family groups provide supportive care for those who know someone who is addicted to alcohol. When alcoholism is not your direct problem, but it causes you pain and undue stress, consider the help and support of an Al-Anon Family Group.

Louisana Al-Anon – A list of local Al-Anon groups and meetings with a complete printable schedule for Louisiana.

Mental Health Services

Louisiana Mental Health – The mental health services division for the state of Louisiana, providing quality mental health services for residents throughout the state.

NAMI Louisiana Mental Health Resources – Resources and referrals for mental health treatment and support in the state of Louisiana.

Abbeville General Hospital – Abbeville General Hospital offers community mental and behavioral health services to residents.

Baton Rouge General Behavioral Health – For mental health services in the Baton Rouge area including behavioral health care, treatment and support.

Anonymous Groups

Louisiana Narcotics Anonymous – A complete list of Narcotics Anonymous meetings and groups in the Louisiana area.

Bayou Recovery Area NA – Help for residents of Louisiana who are seeking recovery support for various types of drug addiction or substance abuse.

NA New Orleans Metro Meeting List – A list of NA meetings taking place in the New Orleans area.

North Louisiana Area NA – Narcotics Anonymous meetings taking place throughout the northern Louisiana area.

Cocaine Anonymous of New Orleans – Help for those suffering from cocaine addiction and in search of treatment or support services.

Louisiana Gamblers Anonymous Meetings – Local support and 12 step guidance for those in recovery from gambling addiction and compulsive gambling behaviors.

Marijuana Anonymous Louisiana – 12 step recovery groups and meetings for residents of Louisiana who are addicted to marijuana.

Louisiana Helplines

Various helplines are available to assist you in crisis.  Call any of the below helplines, toll-free any time for further assistance or support. If you are in crisis or if you know someone who needs help, don’t be afraid to call.

AIDS Hotline – (800) 992-4379

Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center – (800) 437-0303

Mobile Crisis Service – (504) 734-2112

Domestic Violence Hotline – 800-799-SAFE

Elderly Protective Services – 800-259-4990

Child Abuse Hotline – 855-4LA-KIDS

Treatment & Detox Guide

Drugs: an unstoppable tide?

Punitive sentences totalling 85 years, which were passed down last week on three English gang members, are unlikely to stem the tide of transatlantic drug shipments. As he fielded calls last week from people eager to discuss the record prison sentences handed down to four drug smugglers over the €440 million haul of cocaine recovered….

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Al-Anon 12-Step Recovery Program: Love It Or Leave It

For those who don’t know or have never heard of Al-anon, it is a 12-step recovery program that is the counter-part to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step recovery program. It was initiated by Lois Wilson (the wife of Bill Wilson; one of the original founders of Alcoholics Anonymous) as a safe haven and support group for….

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Young 'ignore alcohol campaigns'

Health campaigns warning of the dangers of alcohol are being ignored by many young people who see binge drinking as acceptable, researchers say. A study by Birmingham and Bath universities suggests the government must stop “demonising” young people in its attempts to promote safe drinking. Researchers interviewed 89 people in England aged 18-25 over three….

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‘Tis the season for an intervention?

intervention program

The upcoming holiday season can be particularly stressful if you’ll be spending time with a loved one addicted to alcohol or other drugs. You might feel conflicted about family celebrations; holiday gatherings are supposed to be happy times, but yours don’t look like what you see on television. Should you ignore your loved one’s addiction….

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Opiates and the Brain – How Addiction Happens

addiction science

Opiate addiction develops out of a series of changes that take place inside the brain. Over time, these changes alter the brain’s overall structures and chemical processes. As these alterations take shape, a vicious cycle of opiates and the brain ensues for as long as a person continues to use. According to the U. S…..

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