Alcohol is being used as a tool to mask the inner demons of the middle classes, the chief executive of a new body to tackle substance abuse claimed last night. Binge drinking – commonly perceived as a problem associated with rowdy town and city centres – is equally evident in homes across Wales, according to….
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Drug addiction is a fatal practice spreading among the teenagers worldwide. The drug addiction is ruining the future on any addict and contributing to the destruction of the morale of the society. Therefore, it is very necessary to undertake the teen drug rehabilitation and its importance needs to be spread among the people, making them….
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If you are addicted to alcohol and you are considering alcohol treatment as a means of getting well then you will want to consider all of your options. There are many different types of alcohol treatment centers that provide a range of treatment options for individuals who suffer from mild to moderate or even very….
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For many addicts and those in recovery, the feelings of guilt and shame that surround their addiction are not only powerful, they are also the motivating factor that either makes or breaks their recovery efforts. When it comes to overcoming guilt, substance abuse treatment is the beginning of a long road that includes counseling and….
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ONE in every seven hospital beds in the Lothians is taken up by a patient who is ill through alcohol abuse, it has emerged. The statistic is the latest stark illustration of the rising cost of alcohol abuse to the NHS. Included in the tens of thousands of people occupying beds in the ERI every….
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