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Treatment & Detox Guide
Insurance Coverage For Drug Treatment
Most people who are seeking a drug rehab center and are fortunate enough to have health insurance want to know if it will by for the treatment. While there isn’t really a simple answer to this, there are some basic guidelines here that can help you understand the process a bit more and how it….
WHO Report States Alcohol Kills More than AIDS and Violence
A recent report issued by the World Health Organization has found that alcohol is more deadly than AIDS and violence as well as various other conditions such as tuberculosis. It is estimated that 4% of all deaths that occur worldwide are caused by alcohol. Such alarming statistics give rise to the need for more alcohol….
Drug and Alcohol Abuse is Now One of Top American Health Problems
If there was a disease suffered by one out of every ten Americans over twelve years of age, wouldn’t you agree that this disease was raging out of control? That’s exactly the situation that exists with drug abuse and dependence. The government agency that monitors the statistics on drug abuse and dependence is the Substance….
Residential treatment centers
The Residential treatment centers provide treatment against addiction of drugs or alcohol. In Residential treatment centers patient stays in a conductive environment with constant help and supervision from the staff. Recovery from any addiction requires changes in behaviors and reactions. A Residential treatment centers is best choice to overcome any kind of addiction. The staff….
Treatment & Education is the Greatest Fight on War Against Drugs
Since the early 1970s, the War on Drugs has officially cost American taxpayers more than a trillion dollars! It is estimated that as many as two percent of the entire United States population is in prison and many of them are service sentences for drug related offenses. Still thousands more have died as a result….