to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Michigan Treatment Centers
Michigan AA Meetings
Battle Creek AA (24hr hotline)
Flint Area Unity Council 24
Gaylord: District 12 AA (24hr Hotline)
Kent County Central Office (24hr hotline)
Lansing Central Office AA
Marquette AA
AA of Oakland County (24hr hotline)
Al-Anon Family Groups
Michigan Al-Anon Family Groups
Ann Arbor Al-Anon Family Group
Detroit Al-Anon Family Group
Genesee Area Al-Anon Info Services
Grand Rapids Al-Anon Family Groups
Kalamazoo Al-Anon Family Groups
Lansing Al-Anon Family Groups
Traverse City Al-Anon Family Groups
Waterford Al-Anon Family Groups
Mental Health Services
Michigan Mental Health Resources
Michigan Mental Health Network
Community Mental Health Services Programs
The Mental Health Association in Michigan
Association for Children Mental Health
Anonymous Groups
Michigan Narcotics Anonymous
Michigan Problem Gambling Services
Central Michigan Cocaine Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous of Michigan
Greater Detroit Sexaholics Anonymous
Michigan Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 872-2437
Michigan Elder Abuse – call 855-444-3911
Michigan Child Abuse Hotline – call 855-444-3911
Michigan Domestic Violence – call 800-799-SAFE
Crisis Hotline for Teens in Crisis – call (734) 662-2222
Treatment & Detox Guide
Alcohol was involved in nearly two thirds of self harm cases which were recorded as part of a pilot programme in the Western Health Trust area. The “Registry of Deliberate Self Harm” recorded almost 2,700 incidents between January 2007 and December 2008. The A&E units of Altnagelvin, Tyrone County and Erne Hospitals took part. The….
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Government spending related to smoking and the abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs reached $468 billion in 2005, accounting for more than one-tenth of combined federal, state and local expenditures for all purposes, according to a new study. Most abuse-related spending went toward direct health care costs for lung disease, cirrhosis and overdoses, for example,….
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Britain is facing a “silent epidemic” of dementia as alcohol consumption has doubled since the 1960s, doctors have warned. The link between alcohol consumption and dementia is being ignored and unless urgent action is taken today’s binge drinkers will be tomorrow’s dementia patients, psychiatrists said. Public awareness campaigns and labels warning that dementia is linked….
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I had a friend once who had a promising future in the advertising profession. He was a terrific salesman and creative thinker. He loved booze. Friday afternoons when we’d get paid we go to a popular watering hole and have a few cool ones with co-workers. I noticed often when we had enough and ready….
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Successfully persuading chronic alcoholics of the virtues of gardening and a good diet may appear like an impossible task, but doctors are to start promoting The Good Life model in a bid to cure Scotland’s drink problem. Teaching problem drinkers how to grow and cook healthy food is to be a key part of a….
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