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Psychologial Effects of Alcohol Abuse, Dependence
April is alcohol awareness month and one important issue to consider is that alcohol dependence, or alcoholism, and alcohol abuse can be linked to depression and other mental disorders. There are many studies that demonstrate this link, but one study reported by ScienceDaily suggested that “problems with alcohol abuse may lead to an increased risk….
Drinking to death, one glass at a time
Middle-Aged drinkers are consuming alcohol at unprecedented levels, with many unaware their “social” drinking is killing them. Using increased stress as a justification for a tipple, many are downing more than three standard (100ml wine, 280ml beer) drinks each day, which can more than double their risk of diseases such as liver cirrhosis and heart….
Alcohol And Cocaine Dependence Linked To The Tachykinin Receptor 3 Gene
* The search for genes associated with alcohol dependence (AD) has recently been extended to the tachykinin receptor 3 gene (TACR3), located within a broad region on chromosome 4q. * Researchers have found that seven of the nine single nucleotide polymorphisms – DNA sequence variations – in the 3′ region of TACR3 have a significant….
10 ways to detoxify your body
It is necessary to detox your body if start feeling sluggish, have aches, pains, skin and digestive problems and start straying from your healthier health habits. Below given are 10 ways to detoxify your body. Firstly, it is recommended to eat plenty of foods that contain fiber. This includes foods like brown rice, fresh fruits….
Do I Have an Alcohol Use Disorder
People who drink hazardous amounts of alcohol are at risk of becoming physically dependent, psychologically overwhelmed and essentially paralyzed by alcohol use disorder. The World Health Organization has developed a method of assessment and screening that helps to identify alcohol use disorder in heavy drinkers. This test, known widely as AUDIT or the Alcohol Use….