What Addiction Treatment Centers Can Do for You
Living with an alcohol addiction can quickly turn into a never-ending battle between the bottle and the self. As alcohol takes over a person’s life, important relationships, jobs and self-esteem gradually fall by the wayside. Unless a person is willing to make a change, quality of life will continue to decline.
According to the Florida Institute of Technology, alcoholism ranks number three as a leading cause of death in the United States,
with heart disease and cancer ranked as numbers one and two. Rather than tempt fate, many people decide to seek help from alcohol addiction treatment centers. By working with addiction treatment center staff, a person can find the motivation and social supports needed to overcome an alcohol addiction.
Oftentimes, a person’s motivation for entering an addiction treatment center comes from the damaging effects alcohol has had in his or her life; or else friends and family persuade a person to seek treatment. While any form of motivation is good, positive, hopeful motivators tend to produce better results than negative motivators. Motivating clients to get better is a number one goal within an alcohol addiction treatment center program. Addiction treatment centers employ counselors and therapists to foster motivation and help clients want to get better.
Many people who first enter a treatment program may not be entirely convinced that alcohol is a problem in their lives. Part of motivating clients includes helping them see alcoholism for what it is. By taking this approach, clients can finally acknowledge a problem exists and find the motivation to do something about it.
Alcohol addiction treatment centers also try to create a safe and comfortable environment for recovery. By creating a safe, comfortable environment, a person can feel free to share and deal with the problems that fuel their addiction to alcohol.
Treatment Environment
Addiction treatment centers offer a treatment-focused environment that helps a person concentrate on the steps he or she needs to take to remain sober. Through detoxification treatment, clients can receive the type of medical care that helps to ease the withdrawal process. Compared to someone trying to go “cold turkey” without needed supports, the care offered through addiction treatment centers greatly reduces the likelihood of a person will relapse.
The treatment environment offered by addiction treatment centers also helps a person gain distance from the stressors, environmental cues and social networks that feed an alcohol addiction. Otherwise, someone trying to recover is constantly faced with the people, places and situations that trigger the urge to drink.
Social Supports
Social supports are an essential part of most, if not all alcohol addiction treatment center programs. Group therapy sessions and 12-step support group meetings provide environments where recovering alcoholics can learn new coping skills. Social supports also help a person work through difficult periods when the urge to take a drink can get overwhelming.
Most treatment programs also help ease a person into community-based 12-step programs, which can be an invaluable source of strength and support once a person completes his or her treatment program. 12-step programs, in general help a person work through the issues and challenges alcoholics face throughout the recovery process.