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Treatment for bi-polar disorder
Bi-polar is a disorder where you experience periods of excitability along with the periods of depression. This swing of moods from one emotion to the other can be very abrupt.
The very common treatment for the bi-polar disorder is the mood-stabilizing medicines like the carbamazepine, lithium and valproic acid. These medications are very effective to treat the depressive as well as the manic phases and also to prevent the future symptoms. The depressive phase can be cured by the intake of the antidepressant drugs at the time of depressive phases. These drugs are useful if they are taken with a mood stabilizer.
The mood stabilizers are considered very essential to the people having bi-polar disorder. Because without these mood stabilizers, the antidepressants will trigger the mania. The anti-psychotic drugs are useful to help an individual who has lost the touch with reality. The anti-anxiety drugs like the benzodiazepines are also very helpful. The patient is supposed to stay back in the hospital till his mood becomes stabilized and the symptoms are under the control.
Another therapy known as the electroconvulsive therapy is also very effective in the treatment of the bi-polar disorder. The electroconvulsive therapy is a psychiatric treatment. It uses the electric current to make brief seizures of the central nervous system. This is done by giving the patient a dose of anesthesia. It has been found that the electroconvulsive therapy is one of the most effective treatments for depression that are not found to be relieved through different medications.
Holiday time is party time, and no holiday is more associated with the drinking of alcohol than New Year’s Eve. For some people, it is especially difficult to cope with party invitations at this time of year. Those who are newly sober, and trying desperately to resist the temptation to relapse, often wonder how to….
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Seek Out Affordable Treatment “According to N-SSATS, some facilities offer substance abuse treatment at no charge or a sliding fee scale based on income and other factors” (SAMHSA). Seeking out affordable treatment can take some time and research, but it can be very beneficial to your overall treatment. Someone who does not feel the pressure….
Alcopops. Ever hear of those? Not many people have heard of that term, but they are a drink that is growing in popularity among young people. Alcopop, broken down, is “alcohol” and “pop” (as in soda pop). They are sweet alcoholic beverages that often is fizzy and has had fruit juice added to them. One….