A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

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Coping with Depression in Drug Treatment

When you go into drug treatment there’s always a chance that you will suffer bouts of depression along the way. Depression is a serious condition and coping with depression on top of all the other thoughts and conditions that you are dealing with in drug treatment can be difficult. But, who said the road to recovery was easy?

Fortunately, drug treatment centers are prepared to help you cope with depression while you are in recovery. While depression can affect your recovery, if you work hard and are prepared to deal with it you will still have a chance at lasting sobriety.

Symptoms of Depression in Drug Treatment

Depression in Drug Treatment Program

Depression in drug treatment is a common problem.

The symptoms of depression range from just feeling a bit blue to feeling suicidal. Here’s a look at the common symptoms that are felt when depression strikes:

  • feelings of hopelessness
  • feeling like drug treatment will not and can’t possible work
  • feelings that you can’t concentrate
  • feeling tired and wishing to just skip therapy
  • having trouble interacting with others in treatment or therapy
  • a lack of motivation to do any of the recovery activities or efforts

If you are in drug treatment and have any of these feelings of depression, consider talking with your therapist about the feelings you are having. While therapy can be very beneficial, you may also be able to be prescribed a type of medication that will help you with depressive symptoms so that you can stay on track to your recovery.

For more information or for help finding a drug treatment center that will help you recover from addiction, call 1-888-461-2155 to speak with a specialist today.

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