to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
Who Answers?
Michigan Treatment Centers
Michigan AA Meetings
Battle Creek AA (24hr hotline)
Flint Area Unity Council 24
Gaylord: District 12 AA (24hr Hotline)
Kent County Central Office (24hr hotline)
Lansing Central Office AA
Marquette AA
AA of Oakland County (24hr hotline)
Al-Anon Family Groups
Michigan Al-Anon Family Groups
Ann Arbor Al-Anon Family Group
Detroit Al-Anon Family Group
Genesee Area Al-Anon Info Services
Grand Rapids Al-Anon Family Groups
Kalamazoo Al-Anon Family Groups
Lansing Al-Anon Family Groups
Traverse City Al-Anon Family Groups
Waterford Al-Anon Family Groups
Mental Health Services
Michigan Mental Health Resources
Michigan Mental Health Network
Community Mental Health Services Programs
The Mental Health Association in Michigan
Association for Children Mental Health
Anonymous Groups
Michigan Narcotics Anonymous
Michigan Problem Gambling Services
Central Michigan Cocaine Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous of Michigan
Greater Detroit Sexaholics Anonymous
Michigan Helplines
AIDS Hotline – call (800) 872-2437
Michigan Elder Abuse – call 855-444-3911
Michigan Child Abuse Hotline – call 855-444-3911
Michigan Domestic Violence – call 800-799-SAFE
Crisis Hotline for Teens in Crisis – call (734) 662-2222
Treatment & Detox Guide
Opiate overdoses from heroin and prescription pain medications have reached epidemic proportions over the course of the last decade. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, opiate-induced overdose deaths have increased from 4,030 in 1999 to 16,651 in 2010. For over three decades, emergency responders have used naloxone as an opiate overdose treatment….
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For those who don’t know or have never heard of Al-anon, it is a 12-step recovery program that is the counter-part to the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step recovery program. It was initiated by Lois Wilson (the wife of Bill Wilson; one of the original founders of Alcoholics Anonymous) as a safe haven and support group for….
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A new specialized treatment unit will open later this month in Anchorage to accept alcoholics involuntarily committed to a detoxification program. The unit is an attempt to intervene with street alcoholics who cannot make good choices for themselves, Robert Heffle, director of the Salvation Army’s Clitheroe Center, told The Anchorage Daily News in a story….
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Jennifer Vanlieu was addicted to heroin and painkillers for some time before she found a methadone clinic that could help her beat the drug addiction and hopefully get her life back on track. What she didn’t know was that her decision to use methadone as a means of transitioning from being addicted to heroin to….
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New British research suggests that men who consumer just four pints of beer per week may increase their lifetime risk of being hospitalized. In the study of 5,772 Scottish men, researchers found that those who consumed just four pints of beer, eight shots of spirits or eight small glasses of wine per week were more….
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