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Symptoms of ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder that is characterized by inattention along with impulsivity or hyperactivity. This disorder cause impaired functioning. It is often detected in children but adults may also suffer from ADHD.

Symptoms of ADHD can be divided into three categories; inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Most children suffering from ADHD are inattentive from time to time, other inattention symptoms are; failing to pay close attention to details, often having difficulty in staying in focus, not following the instructions, losing things required for certain task or work and often forgetting daily activity.

Hyperactivity symptoms are; fidgeting with hands or feet, leaving classroom seat or doing something that is not expected in that situation, having difficulty in playing or other activities quietly and talk excessively. In adults, it may be feeling of restlessness.

Impulsivity symptoms are blurting out answers before question have been completed, having difficulty waiting for turn, interrupting other and different impulsive behavior started before the age of seven.

Many of these symptoms are common among children, if they persist for longer than 6 months then it may indicate that child is suffering from ADHD. Majority of ADHD sufferers turn to stimulants such as Ritalin and Dexedrine. These stimulants increase level of dopamine and norepinephrine, which results into increasing communication and connection between different regions of brain. Stimulants can be separated in to two categories based on time duration of the medication.

With proper medication and treatment, children can lead to a normal life too, without suffering from severe effects of ADHD.

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