Is 12-Step Treatment Right for You?
Are you thinking about going into treatment for drug or alcohol addiction? If you’re thinking about taking the first step to getting sober and you’re not sure if 12 step treatment is right for you this should clear up some of the questions that you have. Although 12-step treatment is not for everyone, this method of substance abuse treatment can provide a foundation for support and guidance that is highly effective for some. Here’s what you can expect:
The 12-step treatment process has some priorities that may or may not fit into your normal thinking. For instance, these programs revolve around giving up your power, accepting that you are out of control of your addiction and that there is a higher power who has the control to help you get well. If you do not believe in God or some other higher power or you have difficulty giving up control (are you a control freak) then this program may not be the most suitable for you. However, for the millions of people who are spiritual and who do believe that there is a higher power who has control over them, 12-step treatment is a prime solution.

12-Step treatment program is a great way to overcome an addiction.
When you are not in a residential substance abuse treatment center, you can still get the help of a 12-step treatment program. In fact, Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and many other Anonymous groups all use the 12-step treatment method and most are offered throughout communities on an outpatient basis. Most of these meetings are open to the public and they do not cost anything so even if you’re on a limited budget, 12-step treatment can help you by providing you with access to support and help even on a strict or very limited budget.
There’s a saying in 12-step treatment, it goes like this, “take what you need and leave the rest.” What this means is that you don’t have to go all out in this method of treatment and if you don’t feel like you need all of the features or support of the program and that you can benefit from just certain aspects of the program, than that’s also suitable. 12-step treatment for substance abuse has a long track record of success and has helped thousands of people to get well.
Still not sure if 12-step treatment is right for you? It’s free, it provides support and a baseline for recovery, and you really have nothing to lose. Take what you need and leave the rest! You can get the support you need, if you’re not all that hype on some of the other offerings, you can leave them behind. 12-step treatment is a proven option for successful recovery and although it doesn’t work for everyone, if you work at it and you’re ready to get well, it’s a good starting point in finding help.