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Eating disorder
The mental state of an individual largely governs his social behavior, his physical health and also his overall personality. If an individual is not sound mentally then there are possibilities of him generating some kind of disorders or getting addicted to harmful things.
Eating disorder is one of the many different disorders that are likely to be seen in teenagers as well as some grown ups. Eating disorder may tend the child to eat more than the required proportions or also eat very less. The second type is more common and its types that are most commonly seen are ‘anorexia nervosa’ and ‘bulimia nervosa’. Eating disorder is said to be seen more often in girls as compared to boys. The reason is; the kids tend to be more conscious towards their appearance, weight and looks. This is largely due to the social pressure of remaining thin and not overweight to be neglected by others.
The causes of eating disorder are also said to be their negative approach towards themselves and even extreme emotions and feeling of loneliness. If the eating disorder within an individual prevails for a long period, it can even lead to the death of oneself. It is also assumed that biological or genetic factors do also contribute towards contracting this disorder.
But the best thing is that eating disorder is completely curable. Eating disorder can be prevented by inculcating self-confidence in your child and also by educating them about the nutrition and proper healthy attitudes.
Abuse of prescription pain medications and street drugs, such as heroin and opium has left many recreational users at the mercy of an addiction. Also known as opiate or narcotic drugs, battling this type of addiction requires specialized medical treatment along with ongoing support and guidance. Methadone treatment centers specialize in treating opiate addictions using….
Combatting the risks in teenage drinking is a problem on most college campuses. Now, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is working to help solve it, with help from the experts. According to statistics, 31% of college students across the country met the criteria for alcohol abuse. That number is just from the last year, and it’s….
At least one in five men in developed countries are at risk of abusing or becoming dependent on alcohol during their lifetimes, U.S. researchers said on Sunday. The risk is about half that for women, who have an 8 to 10 percent chance of becoming dependent on alcohol. And despite the popular belief that nothing….
Depression is a serious mental illness that varies in degrees and symptoms unique to the individual. As such, there are a number of options available for treatment and it is important that treatment begin as soon as possible because the longer the depression goes on, the harder it may be to control. Symptoms of Depression….
Ann’s husband is an alcoholic. Spouses of alcoholics have two options — they can leave the alcoholic or they can seek help and understanding in order to live with the person they love. Ann chose the second option. For several years Ann has been attending Al-Anon. Ann is not her real name and her identity….