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5 Signs Your Loved One Needs Drug Rehab

Drug use is a serious problem that affects millions of people. Early recognition of the problem can help you to determine whether your loved one needs drug rehab. While you may not want to think about it, without drug rehab, many addicts will continue down a path of destruction that leads them directly to their death. Here’s a look at how you can tell if someone you love may be in need of professional help:

Can’t Quit Alone

If someone you love is trying to quit using drugs and has even promised you that he or she will quit, but then that same individual resorts back to drug use there is probably a bigger problem at hand. Your loved one may need drug rehab if he has tried to quit on his own and can’t.


drug abuse

If your loved one is abusing drugs they are at risk for addiction, a life-long struggle. Get help now.

One of the sure signs of a problem, and often a sign that there’s a need for help, is denial. Have you confronted your loved one about his or her drug use? If you have legitimate reason to believe that your loved one is abusing drugs and that he is addicted, and if you have reached out to help him but he has denied a problem, drug rehab is the next step. It will likely be difficult to get someone who is in denial to accept help; you may need to consider an intervention.

Deteriorating Health

Drug addiction causes distinct behavioral and physical changes. Often times, those who are addicted will suffer great consequences in the form of deteriorating health. If someone you love is sick as a result of their drug use and continues to use, it’s time to seek drug rehab.


Most addicts resort back to drugs in an effort to stop symptoms of withdrawal. In fact, even when an individual wants to quit using and tries to quit, withdrawal is often to blame for their relapse. If your loved one experiences symptoms of withdrawal when drugs are not used, drug rehab may be the only way to help them get sober.


According to Rutgers, tolerance may be indicated when a user is taking medication or drugs more frequently than they used to, more frequently than prescribed or in larger doses than prescribed. Tolerance is a sign of drug addiction that appears even in those who are abusing drugs which are prescribed to them. Pay close attention to these potential signs of drug tolerance and the need for drug rehab:

  • Taking more than prescribed
  • Taking more than usual
  • Using more often than before
  • Using larger doses than before
  • Using regular doses and feeling “normal” or not feeling the lucid effects of the drug

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