Prescription drug abuse is no longer a problem that only a certain generation or age group faces; rather it has become an epidemic, touching people of all walks of life. Many of the commonly abused prescription drugs are those that are prescribed for many health issues as well as recovery from those issues. Prescription drug abuse….
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Can a recovering alcoholic still have the occasional drink, or is it the road back to oblivion? Claire had been sober for two years when she began a relationship with another recovering alcoholic. One evening at his house he made a suggestion. “How do you think we would react if we had just one drink?”….
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Calgary facility on move for third time since 2003 Lisa Jovetic isn’t the kind of woman who often comes to mind when people grumble about drug addicts. The once happily married mother of two and self-described “goody-goody” got hooked on drugs nearly five years ago after she was hospitalized for pneumonia and contracted a superbug…..
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Bi-polar disorder is a serious mental illness. This mental disorder is often inappropriately associated with insanity. The person suffering from the bipolar disorder goes through a severe mood swings. Mood swings can be ranging from depressive symptoms to maniac symptoms. The frequent age of onset of Bi-polar disorder is between 20 to 30 years. The….
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Four ordinary kids sat around a table at a local youth center after being posed one simple question. It was the question asked of many in the under-21 crowd, and they gave the same answer given by a majority of their peers. “I drink. I’m not going to lie,” said a 16-year-old. It’s the same….
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