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Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction refers to a compulsive need for the intake of a liquid that is derived from a fermented fruit or a grain. These liquids are wine, beer, rum, etc. you can label a person as alcohol addicted when he craves for alcohol and is unable to limit his drinking. The craving for alcohol is so great that it inhibits their ability to stop drinking. These alcoholics need great support from the friends and family to cease their drinking ad rebuild their lives.

The primary cause of alcohol addiction is that some member in their family is already addicted to alcohol and consumes it in limited amounts. The environment around the person and the traumatic experiences in one’s life can also pull one towards developing alcoholism. These factors include family, culture, peer pressures, friends and his life style.

Alcohol addiction leads to serious problems and it can also cause physical and mental destruction. A number of health problems are also associated with the use of alcohols like heart disease, cancer, brain damage, disease of the liver, etc. Your life expectancy is reduced up to 10 to 15 years if you do not stop drinking.

One should have a strong will power and a desire to stop the person from getting addicted towards it. You should have the ability to stop yourself from becoming alcoholic. Identify and the cause of the problem and try to solve it. You can take help of counseling to aid in your healing process. Your friends and family can also help you in different ways to stop your addiction towards alcohol.

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