A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
Call 888-647-0579 to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.

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Affordable Alcohol Treatment Options

Many people who are addicted to alcohol or who suffer from alcohol abuse do not seek help simply because they cannot find an affordable treatment option that works for them. This is very sad news because studies show that more than 90% of those who suffer from substance abuse will never get the help that they need and many opt out of even trying simply because of their lack of knowledge of the affordable alcohol treatment options that are readily available to assist them.

The most affordable options for the treatment of alcoholism are:

  • Outpatient counseling & therapy
  • AA
  • Sliding fee inpatient treatment
  • Free inpatient treatment
  • Low cost inpatient treatment
Affordable Drug Treatment Program

Let us help you find affordable alcohol treatment.

Not all options are available in every city or town but most offer AA, most have outpatient counseling which is most often very affordable and all offer some form of affordable inpatient treatment. Many state insurance plans even provide coverage for alcohol treatment which can help to cover the costs associated with inpatient or outpatient care if you need it and if it is determined by your primary care provider that alcoholism treatment is necessary for your own medical health and well-being.

Some treatment centers offer what is known as a sliding fee scale which makes treatment more affordable for those who need it. The way a sliding fee scale works is that it provides you with access to treatment and the fees that you pay are based on your ability to pay. If you have a job and make minimum wage, you will pay a significantly smaller portion of the total cost of treatment than someone who works in a high end position make triple the salary. The fees are based on income and assets and will differ from one patient to the next.

AA is another form of affordable alcohol treatment. In fact, AA meetings are free to attend and millions of people attribute the support and peer guidance of AA as well as the twelve steps of recovery for their own sobriety. If you can’t afford to pay for any other type of treatment or even if you are attending outpatient counseling for your alcohol addiction, AA is a great option for continued peer support and care.

Many low cost treatment programs can be found throughout the country offering everything from counseling and therapy to medication based treatment and monitoring. The most important thing to keep in mind is that treatment for alcohol addiction or alcoholism should never be considered out of reach for you simply due to money—there are affordable alcohol treatment options available for just about any budget and need.

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Women who binge drink more likely to engage in unsafe sex

A U.S. study says women who have more than five alcoholic drinks at one sitting are at increased risk of having unsafe sex and contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Researchers at John Hopkins University medical school in Baltimore looked at the correlation between binge drinking and risky sexual behaviours in women. They interviewed patients at an….

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Australian Government Develops Strategy for Combating Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol Abuse Treatment

The Federal Government in Australia is developing a strategy for combating excessive alcohol consumption, spending $53.5 million dollars on a national strategy. This comes after concern about binge drinking amongst young people, a rise of alcohol-related violence and associated problems. The national approach follows state government strategies to combat alcohol abuse. One state government recently….

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Housing Homeless Alcoholics Cuts Public Costs, Alcohol Use

Permanent housing for homeless patients with ongoing drinking problems can help reduce medical and social costs and lower alcohol consumption, researchers here said. In one year, the so-called “Housing First” program cut costs from about $8 million to $4 million across the study sample, Mary E. Larimer, Ph.D., of the University of Washington, and colleagues….

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Change Behaviors & Avoid Addiction

Certain behaviors put you at a greater risk of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol and while you cannot change your past, you cannot change your genes and you cannot change your family, you can change your behaviors. By recognizing your behaviors and those that are placing you at an increased risk of addiction, you….

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Why drinkers do it all again

Some people drink to forget, but scientists have found that anyone who binge drinks is more likely to forget only the worst experiences of being drunk – which is why alcohol is such an addictive drug. Alcohol has been found to affect memory in a selective manner. Drinking makes it easier to remember the good….

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