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How does narcotics anonymous work?
“Narcotics anonymous” is a non-profit organization, whose members recover from their addiction meeting regularly to share their experiences of recovery with others. In general, the senior members of this organization individually help the new members. Anyone with a desire to give up his or her addiction is free to join this organization. The funds are raised through donations by the members as well as the non-members and through the sales of their “recovery literature”.
The core of narcotics anonymous program is based on a set of guidelines-a twelve-step approach to the problem of addiction and its recovery. These practical sets of guidelines, when followed properly are sure to be effective in helping the addict recover his addiction. Following these guidelines also makes the addict capable enough to face the “challenges of daily living”. These principles include various aspects which need to be followed by the addicts, the first being the acceptance. The addict must accept that he is facing the problem of drug addiction and understand that his life has become unmanageable due to addiction. The addict must also understand that he can recover completely from this condition. These principles also include some self-examining and give a thought on spiritual basis.
The Narcotics anonymous is not a “religious organization”, but it does emphasis on some of the “spiritual principles” like open-mindedness, honesty, willingness, faith and humility in its members. The various programs conducted by the narcotics anonymous helps the addict recover of his addiction through a slow but effective process and at his own pace.
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