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Finding the Best Treatment Centers in Florida

The state of Florida has long been a major gateway for moving illegal drugs into and throughout the United States. Add to this Florida’s proximity to drug-producing countries and ongoing shipment hauls and it’s no wonder substance abuse rates continue to climb within the state.

Fortunately, anyone who finds him or herself battling a drug addiction can find treatment help. With the wide variety oftreatment centers in Florida, anyone can find the type of treatment they need to regain control of their life from drug addiction. Treatment centers in Florida offer a variety of specialty services at most any price range.

Drug Abuse Treatment

Florida Treatment Centers

Let us help you locate treatment centers in Florida that can help you get your life back on track!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between the years 2003 and 2009, Florida saw considerable increases in death rates resulting from drug abuse activities. Deaths caused by prescription drugs alone increased by 84.2 percent. This amounts to four times the number of deaths caused by illegal drugs.

Whether a person’s drug of choice is prescription drugs, heroin or cocaine, the different types of treatment centers in Florida offer programs designed to help address the specific problems and challenges that different types of addiction bring.

In order to find the best treatment center in Florida, a person should look for the types of programs that can best meet his or her individual treatment needs. Some treatment centers specialize in dealing with certain types of addiction, such as alcohol or heroin while others may treat several different types of drug addictions. Also important is a treatment center’s success rate in treating addiction problems.

Types of Treatment

The length of time a person has used, the type of drug involved and the frequency of drug use all determine what level or type of treatment a person will need to get well. A number of treatment centers in Florida offer two levels of treatment: inpatient and outpatient care.

Inpatient treatment care requires a person live in a residential treatment setting from anywhere from 30 to 90 days. During this time, participants receive needed medical care in the form of detox services as well as care for any other physical conditions. Inpatient treatment also includes intensive therapy and support group work designed to help participants learn ways to live life without drugs.

Treatment centers in Florida also offer less restrictive treatment environments in the form of outpatient programs. Outpatient programs offer the same services as inpatient programs only participants come and go according to pre-scheduled treatment sessions. These programs work best for someone who’s still actively employed or is at the early stages of addiction.


As nothing in life is free, the costs of drug treatment become an important factor when finding the best treatment centers in Florida. People with insurance coverage should be able to defray a good chunk of these costs through an individual or employer-sponsored insurance plan. As different plans include different types of coverages, it’s always best to review your policy benefit coverages beforehand.

For people with limited financial resources, many treatment centers in Florida receive state and federal funding assistance. This assistance allows treatment centers to offer a range of payment options as well as sliding-fee payment options. Some treatment centers may also offer treatment services at no cost for those who meet their eligibility requirements.


Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

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