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Co-Occurring Disorders
A Co-Occurring Disorder is condition wherein mental disorder as well as alcohol problems is faced by an individual side by side. This is a condition that occurs very often. It is important to manage one disorder at a time by treating each one simultaneously to get the best possible outcome.
Co-Occurring Disorders are also referred to as dual diagnosis and it is a very common condition that is often left undiagnosed and untreated. It is at times difficult to identify the symptoms of any one disorder from the other one. Because frequently the symptoms of drug abuse like paranoia, extreme anxiety, delusions, depressions hallucinations are similar to that of the mental illness. Treatment for the Co-Occurring Disorders is different for different individuals; there is no one established treatment for the disorder because every individual is unique and complex than the other. Hence, it is important to have a plan of treatment including all the essential components needed by the person at each level of recovery.
It is very crucial to identify and treat the teenagers with Co-Occurring Disorders or who are at risk of the Co-Occurring Disorders to prevent their diminished quality of life. The untreated symptoms cause poor grades, mood swifts, legal problems; inability to get along with others easily, etc. therefore, the earlier is the onset of the treatment for the disorder, he more soon will the rate of recovery achieved. The recovery takes a long time as it is a slow process. During that time in the integrated treatment programs, the individual learns to manage the symptoms of his illness and at the same time improve the quality of his life.
An influential committee of British MPs has criticized successive governments for allowing Britain to develop a drinking habit that is killing tens of thousands of people every year. “Over the last 60 years drinking habits have been transformed. In 1947 the nation consumed 3.5 liters of pure alcohol per head: The current figure is 9.5….
Binge drinking, violence, contentious parades – all modern day problems, but in Northern Ireland it seems their roots stretch back more than 100 years. In Victorian Ireland alcohol abuse and binge drinking were rife, thanks to the introduction of “ether drinking”. “Ether was the alcopop of the 1880s and its use became endemic in Londonderry….
In treating alcohol abuse and alcoholism, “we haven’t yet reached the Prozac moment,” says Dr. Mark Willenbring, referring to the drugs that radically changed the treatment of depression. But Dr. Willenbring, an expert on treating alcohol addiction, predicts that the day is not far off when giving a pill and five minutes of advice to….
A new campaign by Mayor Bertrand Delanoe tries to persuade young Parisians to shun the fashion for drinking themselves to oblivion at weekends. France used to look down on the British habit of getting smashed and staggering in a stupor through the streets but now it is happening here. For the past couple of years,….
Tennent’s, Scotland’s largest brewer, has heaped pressure on Holyrood’s opposition parties by backing the SNP’s plans for minimum alcohol pricing. Mike Lees, the company’s managing director, said the proposals were “a sensible move” and “part of the solution” to the country’s chronic binge drinking problem. But his surprise intervention failed to sway the other three….