A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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5 Ways to Find Affordable Drug Rehab

  1. Seek Out Affordable Treatment

“According to N-SSATS, some facilities offer substance abuse treatment at no charge or a sliding fee scale based on income and other factors” (SAMHSA). Seeking out affordable treatment can take some time and research, but it can be very beneficial to your overall treatment. Someone who does not feel the pressure of cost will stay longer in treatment and get the help they really need.

Use SAMHSA‘s treatment locator, or another treatment database website. The treatment locator lists the facilities by proximity to you and also by cost, payment method, whether or not the facility has a sliding fee scale, and other criteria. You can find a center close to you that has your treatment needs at a good price.

  1. Discuss Treatment with Your Doctor

Often, your family doctor will have ideas or options for you if you are looking for low-cost treatment. According to the NIDA, “Along with specialized drug treatment facilities, drug abuse and addiction are treated in physicians’ offices and mental health clinics by a variety of providers.” You may not even need to attend formal treatment in a rehab facility. Depending on what your doctor is able to treat, you may be sent to another physician on their recommendation. Doctors are also helpful for recommending low-income treatment facilities that work on a sliding fee scale.

  1. Apply for Help

    free rehab

    There are rehab programs that are more affordable than others.

The DSHS states, “If you are low-income and need help paying for treatment, you can apply for Apple Health/Medicaid.” There are often many programs for which you can apply if money is an issue. Contacting your state or local government is another good way to find out about these programs, and Medicaid can be very beneficial to your needs, especially if you are already covered under it.

  1. Visit Clinics

Visiting low-cost or free clinics is also a good way for finding out about treatment. Doctors and nurses who work at these clinics are often able to recommend different facilities, physician’s offices, and other options where patients can receive affordable care. Many of these clinics also work under the same principles and, therefore, will see many people who also need low-cost or affordable care.

  1. Consider Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient treatment is, for the most part, less expensive than inpatient treatment. If you are looking to find affordable drug rehab, outpatient treatment could be your answer so that you can receive formal treatment “without incurring the higher costs of inpatient treatment” (NCBI). However, a person who is choosing outpatient treatment should be able to receive the treatment needed from this type of facility. Those who

  • Have “low psychiatric severity” and are not suffering from other mental disorders or multiple, severe drug addictions
  • Have a strong support system at home
  • Need to be able to leave the facility every day (for their jobs or to take care of children)
  • Would benefit more from continuing their lives while attending rehab

are good candidates for outpatient treatment which is traditionally much cheaper than inpatient.

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