Alcohol is an intoxicating liquid, obtained from the fermentation of grains or fruits. The different types of these liquid are the beer, wine and other hard liquors. People in habit of regularly consuming these liquids are sure to develop a compulsive need of these liquids over a period of time, which is commonly termed as….
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Alcohol addiction, much like any addiction, is partially physical and partially psychological in scope. As such, counseling is a vital part of the recovery process for those who are addicted to alcohol. There are many ways that counseling can help in alcohol addiction, this article focuses on just 5 of the most common ways that….
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Compared to other forms of drug use, teenage alcohol abuse rates have seen a gradual decline over the years, though present-day rates remain quite high. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, as much as 30 percent of teenagers report drinking by the eighth grade with 54 percent reporting at least one….
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ALCOHOL has become the treatment of choice for an unfortunate number of Australian troops left traumatised by their service in East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq. Taxpayers are now funding rehabilitation and sometimes compensation for their addiction, not to mention attempts to break it, as troops return from mostly dry operations to deal with their problems….
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Relapse prevention therapy is a type of therapy that aims at helping the recovering addict to cope with stressors that could potentially cause them to relapse. While relapse is a common occurrence for many addicts, relapse prevention therapy )RPT) can greatly reduce the chances of a relapse occurring because the recovering addict is already armed….
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