Cancer is a disease seen in many people. It is an unpredictable and an uncanny condition. But, today medical science has advanced so much in the different fields of cancer treatment that the cures and treatment for cancer are readily available. There are different alternatives available and the choice of a particular one depends upon….
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Cancer is a deadly disease and therefore, naturally, on diagnosing cancer in an individual, can make him hyperactive and depressed. Many patients are likely to be tensed during their entire cancer treatment process. Therefore, here are some tips, discussed below, which will help the patient undergo his treatment comfortably. Mostly, the side effects of the….
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When does a glass or two at the end of the day spill over into high-functioning alcoholism? After work every day you either go to the pub or return home to crack open a bottle of wine. Twice a week you might drink so much alcohol that you suffer memory loss. You spend much of….
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You’ve probably heard all sorts of things about addiction treatment like it’s impossible, it’s painful, it doesn’t work, or it’s only effective if you have hit rock bottom. Because you’ve hear all of these things, you’re probably rather scared to seek help or you may not even think that it’s worth it—these are all common….
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With overdoses and deaths involving the use of prescription drugs skyrocketing in the United States, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has selected the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University to host a new initiative to reduce diversion and abuse of these drugs: the PMP Center of Excellence. Funded through a training….
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