A study in this month’s Anesthesiology found evidence that alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are frequently overlooked in patients undergoing surgery ― but also touts a very simple and effective method to identify patients who may be at risk for alcohol-related perioperative complications. In the AUD study, anesthesiologist Claudia D. Spies, M.D., and her research group….
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For parents who are looking for signs of teens drinking this back to school season, there is a reason for your concern, as the use of alcohol by underage individuals is, according to the NIAAA, “widespread.” “In 2009, about 10.4 million young people between the ages of 12 and 20 drank more than ‘just a….
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Fa-la-la! ‘Tis the holiday season, and there’s Nanna getting into the eggnog and batting her eyes. Or Pops, with a face as red as Santa Claus refilling his glass, laughing a little too much. Nice that the old folks are having such a good time! They’ve worked hard for so many years. Now they can….
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At least one in five men in developed countries are at risk of abusing or becoming dependent on alcohol during their lifetimes, U.S. researchers said on Sunday. The risk is about half that for women, who have an 8 to 10 percent chance of becoming dependent on alcohol. And despite the popular belief that nothing….
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A few sips of wine may be good for your heart, but alcohol-related disease and accidents take a life every 15 seconds according to research from the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Problem is, few people stop at one drink. Researchers found that disorders linked to drinking wine, beer, whiskey, mixed drinks, etc….
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