Maine Treatment Centers
Maine AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous offers supportive care, guidance and 12-step recovery solutions for those who suffer from alcoholism or alcohol addiction related problems. In Maine, AA meetings take place throughout the state in community centers, churches and public places where members can come together to support one another in recovery. If you’re looking for help or you’re ready to overcome alcohol addiction, consider one of the local AA chapters below:
Ellsworth – Down East Intergroup
Portland – Central Service Office
Al-Anon Family Groups
Maine Al-Anon groups provide supportive care for those who have been negatively affected by a loved one’s or friend’s alcoholism. These groups offer help for family members, teens, children and adults who suffer from the repercussions of a loved one’s addiction to alcohol. For help finding a local Al-Anon meeting near you, visit: Maine Al-Anon Family Groups
Mental Health Services
Maine Mental Health Services – Providing mental health services and behavioral services including treatment referrals and assistance in Maine.
Maine Mental Health Partners – A division of mental health partners providing assistance for those who suffer from various mental health conditions in Maine.
Maine Mental Health Connections – Resources and tools for overcoming mental illness.
Maine Association of Mental Health Services – Directory of mental health services and helpful resources for those suffering from mental or behavioral health disorders.
Anonymous Groups
Maine Area of Narcotics Anonymous – Substance abuse and drug addiction support groups in Maine offering 12 step recovery meetings.
Gamblers Anonymous Maine – List of Gambler’s Anonymous meetings taking place in Maine helping those who suffer from compulsive gambling disorder.
Gambling – A government website that provides support and guidance to those suffering from the “silent addiction” to gambling.
Maine Helplines
The following helplines provide 24 hours support and guidance toll-free. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call the local helpline that relates to your situation for immediate help.
AIDS Hotline – (800) 851-2437
Maine Statewide Crisis Hotline – 888-568-1112
Maine Child Abuse – 800-452-1999
Sexual Assault Support Hotline – 800-871-7741
Suicide Prevention – 800-273-TALK
Domestic Violence – 866-834-4357