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Irish spend three times EU average on alcohol
Irish people spend almost three and a half times more of their income on alcohol than the European average, an EU-wide survey reveals. A study on household expenditure across the 27 EU member states highlights how Irish consumers are the biggest spenders in Europe on alcohol by a long distance. It estimates that more than….
Finally, the end of relapsing
Ever since the invention of alcohol and before the launch of new age treatment, people have been forced to rely upon traditional methods of achieving sobriety… everything from quitting cold turkey, to tooth grinding will power and “talk therapy” … and finally of course there’s the renowned 12 step programs introduced in the 1950s. AA….
Center will study effects of alcohol on brain
UNM was given $2.5 million this semester to start one of the nation’s first fetal alcohol research centers. The program is funded by a five-year grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The New Mexico Alcohol Research Center will look at the effects of alcohol on the brain. Dr. Daniel Savage, who….
Helping a Loved One through Bulimia Treatment and Recovery
Hardships of Bulimia According to the National Eating Disorders Association, bulimia is a serious and potentially life-threatening eating disorder. Bulimia is characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors, which include self-induced vomiting to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating. Bulimia is a devastating eating disorder that will have numerous negative….
Bi-polar disorder
Bi-polar disorder is a serious mental illness. This mental disorder is often inappropriately associated with insanity. The person suffering from the bipolar disorder goes through a severe mood swings. Mood swings can be ranging from depressive symptoms to maniac symptoms. The frequent age of onset of Bi-polar disorder is between 20 to 30 years. The….