Aces Community Services
1417 North 4th Street
Coeur d Alene, ID 83814
(208) 292-2188
Who Answers?
1417 North 4th Street
Coeur d Alene, ID 83814
(208) 292-2188
Once addiction takes hold in a person’s life, those closest to the addict often feel powerless to help. Attempts to reason or confront your loved one may well be met with anger and hostility at every turn. Without some form of intervention, your loved one may likely continue on in a downward spiral as drugs….
Alcoholism, like many addictions, is a disease of reinforcement. When you take drugs or alcohol, you feel better and when you stop drinking, you miss the feeling. By this same mechanism, the people you associate with can start to reinforce your drinking behavior. Even though, for many, alcoholism ends up being a disease of solitude….
A school governor has called for a ban on parents drinking alcohol while waiting to pick up their children outside school. Arthur Mitchell, chairman of Doncaster Road Primary School’s board of governors in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, said a street drinking ban had been proposed after police received reports that parents had been seen drinking at….
Opiate addiction develops out of a series of changes that take place inside the brain. Over time, these changes alter the brain’s overall structures and chemical processes. As these alterations take shape, a vicious cycle of opiates and the brain ensues for as long as a person continues to use. According to the U. S…..
The epidemic of prescription drug use is a serious one. Most people that abuse prescription drugs are doing so without a doctor’s approval. They are using their medication in other ways other than prescribed by a doctor. Some may also be getting it from someone else. This can lead to drug dependence and addiction. According….
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