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Signs and Symptoms of alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is a problem largely related to the physiological dependency of a person on alcohol. Therefore, getting rid of the alcohol addiction is not a simple task. Sudden withdrawal from alcohol can be very unpleasant for the addict and can lead to medical consequences, therefore, proper methods needs to be adopted when treating alcohol addition. Alcohol addiction can only be overcome, when its signs and symptoms are identified, a proper method of de-addiction is practiced. The following are some of the common signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction.

Most commonly, the addicted indulges in lying or hiding about his drinking habit. These people take to drinking to relieve their stress and to forget worries. Though these people may carry a guilt about their own drinking, they are unable to stop or avoid their drinking habit.

People under alcohol addiction may experience blackouts; they may miss work and become very irritable. Teens considerably fail at schools and in their grades. The addict experiences depression and tend to get socially isolated. They may also experience social, legal and financial problems caused by drinking. Some of them may even tend to harm themselves and have a greater suicidal tendency.

The signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction also comprise of the habit of drinking more than the required levels. These people often indulge in drinking in the morning to boost their moods. They may also take to drugs and consume greater amounts of medication than prescribed.

Though addiction can be completely cured, the thing to remember is that the addicts cannot be made to “recover”. A complete recovery from the alcohol addiction is possible only when the addicts themselves have a greater will of kicking off their habit of drinking. Once, the addict himself becomes mentally strong then with the help of treatment centers, one can get rid of their alcohol addiction.

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