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Group Fights Alcohol Abuse on Campus
Combatting the risks in teenage drinking is a problem on most college campuses.
Now, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is working to help solve it, with help from the experts.
According to statistics, 31% of college students across the country met the criteria for alcohol abuse.
That number is just from the last year, and it’s on the rise.
“We were looking at both the numbers across the state and nationally, and clearly we’re seeing increases in problem drinking among the 18-25 year old cohort,” said Dr. Michael Fendrich, director of the Center for Addiction and Behavioral Health Research and a professor of social work in the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare at UWM.
It’s not a new problem, but there are new solutions. That’s why this workshop is so important to UWM.
“It has always been going on. We know nationally there are effective prevention strategies that have been used on different campuses and in different communities, and i think we can learn from other places.”
Three nationally known experts help educate the crowd, and hope to pass-on the information to help students across campus.
The best news? It’s feasible, even in these tough times.
“There is funding, and programs have been funded even in todays challenging funding environment,” said Dr. Fendrich.
One of the major sponsors of the day-long workshop is Millercoors. The company says they want to team up with UWM and help teach young people how to drink responsibly.
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