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10 Ways Alcohol Abuse Treatment Will Change Your Life

1. Alcohol Withdrawal Can Be Deadly.

While some experience mild alcohol withdrawal, others go through “a severe form of alcohol withdrawal called delirium tremens” (NLM). Its symptoms can include seizures, hallucinations, and fever, and a person experiencing it should be taken to the hospital immediately. In treatment, these symptoms can be controlled.

2. It Can Keep You from Becoming a Statistic.

The NLM states that “about 18 million adult Americans have an alcohol use disorder.” While they can often be controlled, AUDs are not beneficial to your health and can, over time, become more and more dangerous. Seeking treatment can keep you from becoming another alcohol statistic.

3. It Can Teach You to Know Your Cravings and to Fight Against Them.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, an approach used in many alcohol abuse treatment centers, will help you learn:

  • “Strategies for coping with cravings”
  • To identify situations that may put you at risk
  • The negative and positive consequences caused by your drinking
  • How to recognize your triggers as well as your cravings early (NIDA)

4. It Can Introduce You to a Holistic Treatment.

If the regular treatments have never been as helpful to you as they should be, perhaps you may need to supplement them with a holistic treatment. Alcohol abuse treatment facilities sometimes offer these and other holistic options:

  • Nature therapy
  • Exercise classes
  • Yoga or tai chi
  • Art and music therapy

5. It Can Connect You with Other Recovering Alcoholics.

alcoholism help

Getting treatment for your alcohol problem will greatly improve your life!

For many people, having a connection with another individual who has been through what they have is beneficial toward recovery. In treatment, group therapy is often used for this purpose, allowing recovering alcoholics to meet, share their stories, and receive treatment together. This can be so important to your overall recovery, and you could make a friend for life.

6. You Can Learn to Relate to Others Better.

Furthermore, those who attend alcohol rehab also learn how to relate to their family members and friends in a way that is healthy and beneficial. Some facilities even offer family and relationship counseling which can help mend shattered relationships.

7. Relapse is Not the End of the World.

Alcohol abuse treatment will help you understand that you will slip and fall from time to time and that relapse does not mean failure. You may experience relapse, as it is a part of recovery, and it “may require a return to prior treatment components” (NIDA). But it is not a failure if you pick yourself back up.

8. No More Blackouts.

Yes, relapse does occur, but treatment can help get you to a place where you don’t experience the daily issues of alcohol abuse. No more blackouts, no more confusion, just life free from alcohol.

9. Doctors and Nurses Care.

The medical professionals at these facilities care about your well-being. They will help save and change your life as much as any treatment or medication, often more.

10. Treatment Will Get to the Root of the Problem.

The NIAAA states, “more than half… of those with a lifetime alcohol disorder also have a co-occurring mental health disorder.” Alcohol abuse treatment will often help get to the heart of the matter so that you can be treated for both issues.

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