A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
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Why You Should Go to Addiction Treatment Today

Are you wondering why you should seek treatment? Maybe you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and still having some second thoughts or apprehensions about drug or alcohol treatment. If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol and you need a list of reasons why you should go to addiction treatment, consider these top reasons:

Addiction Treatment Centers Make Fighting Addiction Safer—it can be dangerous to fight off addiction on your own, detox can lead to withdrawal symptoms that are uncomfortable and can even lead to health complications or death if left unsupervised and untreated. You should go to addiction treatment to assure your own safety when you are detoxing.

Addiction Treatment Centers Provide Help for Your Family—
are you struggling with the reality that your addiction has caused undue harm for your family members, loved ones and friends? Addiction treatment centers provide various types of counseling and therapy both for you and for your friends or family members to assure that the entire support system recovers from addiction.

Addiction Treatment Centers Offer Relapse Prevention—you can try to stop using on your own and you may succeed for a little while but for the maximum benefit and to make the most out of your recovery you need to learn relapse prevention techniques and you will need support long after you stop using drugs—you can get both from addiction treatment centers.

Addiction Treatment Centers Build Relationships—you can meet new people (others in recovery) at addiction treatment centers. This means that you can build new relationships with people who understand what you have been through first hand because they have been through addiction, treatment and recovery too. This can help significantly as you move through recovery.

Addiction Treatment Centers are Effective–
you may think that you can do it alone but chances are you will need support, guidance, additional care and education to assure that you maintain lasting and long term sobriety. Addiction treatment centers provide effective long term treatment that you can assure will give you the best possible chance of staying sober and moving forward with life post addiction.

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Bill offers zero tolerance for bus drivers with alcohol

A Senate committee gave unanimous approval Friday to a bill that would prohibit school bus drivers from having any alcohol in their bodies — or in their possession. Senators questioned whether the language in the bill, sponsored by Del. Ben Cline, R-Rockbridge County, actually would prohibit transporting children after just one drink. They decided it….

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Recognizing a Good Treatment Program

drug addiction treatment program

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How Heroin Treatment Centers Help You Recover

Anyone who’s battled a heroin addiction well knows how hard this drug can be on the body. While the “highs” from heroin may feel great, the lows can be equally painful. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2011, as many as 4.2 million Americans reported having used heroin on at least one….

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NHS feeling the burden as binge drinking becomes a British affliction

When the Government published its alcohol strategy in 2004, it concluded that drink was a problem for a “small minority” in Britain. The repeated warnings from health professionals, the statistics on alcohol-related ill health and hospital treatment, and the calculations of cost to the NHS tell a very different story. The annual number of hospital….

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Time Lag in Vienna?

Programs that give drug addicts access to clean needles have been shown the world over to slow the spread of deadly diseases including H.I.V./AIDS and hepatitis. Public health experts were relieved when President Obama announced his support for ending a ban on federal funding for such programs. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama’s message seems not to have….

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