A National Directory of Drug Treatment Centers and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Therapists and Specialists. A free, simple directory providing assistance and guidance for those seeking help regarding alcohol addiction, drug addiction, dependency and many other conditions that affect the mind, body and soul.
to speak with an alcohol or drug abuse counselor.
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What you Can’t Bring to Treatment
Are you heading into a treatment program to get help for a drug or alcohol addiction? If you’re already on your way to getting the help you need and you’re trying to figure out what it is that you should (or should not) bring with you to drug or alcohol addiction treatment, consider these items that are absolutely prohibited from treatment centers:
provocative clothing that shows too much skin
short-shorts or skirts that leave little to the imagination
two-piece swimsuits that show off too much
drugs of any kind (with the exception of prescription medications or doctor prescribed over the counter medications which will be controlled and administered by the treatment center staff)
hand sanitizer – unfortunately, some will drink this to get the alcohol out and it becomes a toxic hazard to have in treatment
Now that you know what you can’t bring to treatment, here’s a short list of what you can bring:
comfortable clothes
prescribed medications
a bathing suit such as one piece or swim shorts
personal toiletries such as makeup, toothpaste, toothbrush & deodorant
Are you concerned that a loved one is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol? If so, you must know the signs and symptoms of addiction, as this will allow you to pinpoint the problem and eventually get this person the help he or she needs. Some signs of addiction are easy to see, while others can….
Are you wondering how alcohol treatment centers can really help you to overcome alcohol addiction? Maybe you have tried to quit drinking before and were able to do it for a while so you think, “I quit before so I could do it again if I REALLY wanted to.” Alcohol treatment centers can help you….
If you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol, you may be considering alcohol treatment to help you overcome the addiction and regain control of your life. Weighing the pros and cons of alcohol treatment prior to seeking help can help you to really make the right decision and know that the treatment you….
While the physiological damage and social havoc created by alcohol abuse and dependency are well-known, it is also true that light-to-moderate drinking has certain health benefits. This mini-review summarizes a roundtable discussion held at the July 2007 annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Chicago, Illinois. Results will be published in the February….
Determining how much addiction treatment will cost can require many different inputs and depending on the outcome, you could come up with a very wide figure range. For small time programs that involve only outpatient services, the cost of treatment may only be about $50-100 per session but for larger, intensive residential treatment programs or….