Local Treatment or Far Away?
Your options for treatment differ greatly and although this may make it seem like it should be easy to figure out what to do, in some cases it only complicates matters. In fact, having so many options for addiction treatment to choose from—local, far away, private, traditional, open group or closed—can make the entire process of finding and choosing a rehab program for you even more difficult than you ever thought it would be.
There are benefits to choosing local treatment but there are also some benefits associated with choosing treatment that’s far away. Here’s a look at both:
Local Treatment Benefits
If you live with your family, they support your plans for recovery and they are not addicts themselves then choosing a local treatment program could be very beneficial. Local treatment allows you to stay close to loved ones while continuing to receive the help, support and effective quality care that you need to get well. This method is especially true if you plan on attending an outpatient treatment program.

Is local treatment right for you or your loved one?
Because treatment needs to be made readily available for those involved, local treatment can provide you with an option to get help close to home without having to really go out of your way. This is truly an excellent plan IF you will be in an outpatient program. However, if you plan on attending an inpatient treatment program to get help for your addiction, it may not be so important to stay local and close to home.
Benefits of Treatment Far from Home
For the recovering addict who has a significant number of poor influences in his or her area, such as people who they use drugs with, have stolen from or otherwise have had trouble with, sometimes local treatment isn’t the ideal solution. Some people benefit more prominently from the treatment that can be received away from home.
Getting addiction treatment from a place that’s far from home has it’s benefits. For instance, the addict has the ability to meet new people and stay far from those who may not help with their recovery but could actually make matters worse. There’s a chance for a new start away from a world that they already know. Some additional benefits to choosing treatment that is far from home include the ability to make new friends and possibly stay away from their old “stomping grounds” where drugs and friendships that revolved around drugs were a problem.
Final Decision
The final decision on whether to choose addiction treatment that’s close to home or far away will ultimately be up to you. There’s no real way to decide what’s going to be best for each individual but overall, the further an individual can get from his or her poor behaviors, the better the chances that he or she will recover and get well. Choosing an addiction treatment program is a difficult process and it takes effort, time and most importantly, a conscious thought as to what is most likely to work.
For help, call a treatment professional to discuss your individual situation and find out if you should choose a rehab program that’s close to home or far away. The choice could make a major difference in the outcome of the recovery for yourself or for someone you care about.