Treatment of ADHD
After successful diagnosis of Adhd in their child, every family would like to know about the treatment of ADHD, which will be effective for their child and help him in leading a normal life. There are different methods of treatment of ADHD practiced by the physicians. Adhd can be treated with the help of medicines and also by following behavioral modifications. There is a no single treatment for every child with ADHD.
Depending on the individual causes of ADHD, treatment of ADHD involves treatment with medicines, behavioral treatment. A combination of these treatments is practiced for the child suffering from anxiety or depression in addition to ADHD. The treatment of ADHD greatly involves the personal medical history of the child and also his individual needs.
Form many years, the method of medication is largely used for the treatment of ADHD. The medicines that involve stimulant kind of drugs are greatly used in the medication therapy. However, it must be ensured that these stimulants are clinically tested and found safe and also effective for the particular age of the child with ADHD. These tested stimulants are marked with labels reading, “Approved age”.
The medications for ADHD help the children with ADHD to focus and concentrate on their work making them successful at home, in school and at play. It may be necessary to carry on these medications, even as the child enters his teen age or adolescence. In a survey, it was found that approximately 80 percent of the children in their teens and nearly 50 percent of the children in their adulthood, who suffered from ADHD, needed medication to carry on their normal routine effectively. Behavioral treatment is necessary for the children with ADHD to improve on their self-confidence and the concentration power. Behavioral treatment for these children also helps them in developing the power to take decision and to analyze any situation.
It is also very important for these children to stay away from negative experiences of depression and from other emotional related problems, as they may tend these children to take to drug and other forms of addiction. In addition, the love and support of the family members and friends plays an important role in treating a child with ADHD.