MY “LEGAL ecstasy party pills” arrive in small, white medicine containers, complete with recommended dosage and a safety seal. “Herbal supplements,” reads the package, but these drugs promise far more – guaranteeing to “add extra kick to your partying” by meddling with the body and mind. It’s a drug high, but one that “will not….
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It Tells You something about the novelty of a French debate about “le binge drinking” that an equivalent French term has yet to enter into common usage and that whenever the media broach it, they feel obliged first to explain to people what exactly it is. They’ve been doing a lot of explaining lately. According….
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The Dangers of Anorexia Anorexia is an eating disorder that can result in a person losing vital nutrients they need for good health, and in a person losing bone mass. People who suffer from anorexia commonly have a distorted body image of their self, and frequently will not consume a healthy amount of food, if….
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Sometimes nothing sounds better after a long, hard day than an ice-cold Dos Equis or a glass of pinot noir. There’s also plenty of research to show that red wine is filled with antioxidants and can increase good cholesterol, while moderate alcohol consumption by men can lead to a decreased risk of heart attack. So….
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THE Queensland Government’s proposal to see the alcohol limit cut to 0.02 across Australia has been labelled as “nonsense” by alcohol and accident experts. Motoring groups, police, accident research centres and hotelliers all rejected moves to slash the drink-driving limit outlined in a Queensland Government discussion paper released yesterday, arguing it would make little difference….
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