Seasons Recovery Center Malibu Alcohol Rehab with the Highest Success Rate in the Industry
Seasons Recovery Center of Malibu, California prides itself on providing the most successful alcohol rehab program in the industry. In fact, with an 85% success rate and a 1 year guarantee, alcoholics really can’t go wrong with Seasons Recovery Center.
Taking a systemic approach to therapy and the treatment of alcohol addiction, Seasons Recovery Center has broken the process of alcohol addiction treatment down into three very distinct stages that are believed to come together and offer patients the most probable chance of a successful recovery from alcohol addiction. From the alcohol detox process that begins with a careful assessment performed by a doctor to therapy and counseling to heal the psychological and environmental issues that cause addiction right on to the aftercare program patients are guided and supported every step of the way at Seasons Recovery Center.
The staff members truly believe that the extensive aftercare program that includes counseling and regular contact with a case manager and therapist is one of the most important factors that contributes to the 85% success rate. This is part of the reason why Seasons Recovery Center backs it’s alcohol addiction treatment with a 1 year guarantee that specifically states:
“If you embrace treatment for the length research shows is the most effective- 90 days or greater, and if you execute on the aftercare program we develop with you in treatment, then, should you need to for any reason, including relapse or other crisis before relapse, for the first year following you exit from treatment, we will take you back into treatment without charge for up to one month.”
During the aftercare program, patients work with the same therapists that they worked with during the inpatient alcohol rehab program at Seasons. The sessions that they take part in with the therapist post treatment help them to work through issues that they are facing outside of treatment and can help them to maintain sobriety with limited chance of relapse. Additionally, patients are able to pick which therapists they work with assuring them the greatest possible chance at successfully maintaining long term sobriety.
Seasons Recovery Center strongly believes that life post alcohol addiction treatment does not mean that treatment and healing should stop. This is why Seasons Recovery Center puts so much time and effort into the aftercare planning for its patients. And, if relapse does still happen to occur despite completion of an inpatient alcohol rehab program at Seasons and recommended aftercare, Seasons Recovery Center will accept a patient back into treatment anytime during the first year to get the help that they need.
For more information, visit Seasons Recovery Center at