Causes of ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is commonly known as ADHD. ADHD is a form of mental disorder, which is commonly found in small children. The children with ADHD disorder suffer impaired functioning. These children find it difficult to concentrate and are very impulsive, restless and also hyperactive. This can greatly affect their progress at school and can have adverse effect on their social and personal life. Therefore, it is very necessary to treat children with ADHD because if not treated timely then it is likely that this disorder can have a long-term effect on the affected into their adolescence stage and in their adulthood. The treatment of ADHD is largely depended on its causes that can differ among these children. The exact causes of ADHD are still under investigation, but it is assumed that different biological and environmental factors contribute in causing ADHD in children.
Largely the cause of ADHD is supposed to be genetic. Though this not been scientifically proved but is surveys it has been found that many children with ADHD had close relatives, mainly from the male relatives, who also suffered from this disorder. The child’s environmental factors also influences on the severity of this disorder.
Different factors like brain injury, pre-birth problems can also lead to ADHD in children. In addition, the child’s temperament contributes greatly in his attitude and also in his overall personality. It is also believed that family stress and academic difficulties can lead to the ADHD disorder in children.
Parents often feel guilty for the condition of their children and they blame themselves for their child’s misbehavior. Parents must realize that they themselves cannot handle this disorder in their child and that they need to take help of the various treatment centers that specially treat children with ADHD. It must be remembered that ADHD can be completely treated if identified soon.