Your ADHD child and school
ADHD is a mental disorder, which largely affects the small children. Children with ADHD tend to be very impulsive, hyperactive and are not able to concentrate well on their work. Therefore, Children with ADHD show poor performance at school, which can hamper their academic performance. Usually small kids do behave in similar pattern as that of the symptoms of ADHD and therefore, it can be quite difficult for the parents to suspect any disorder in their children.
However, if your child enters the school and experiences difficulties, which leads you to suspect, then it is the responsibility of the parents to seek help from professional who has a sound knowledge about ADHD and get your child evaluated for the disorder. The fact is that, generally it is the school’s responsibility to evaluate their children, if they suspect this disorder or if they notice that their particular student is having problems in interacting with his teachers or classmate and showing poor grades.
Once your child is evaluated and confirmed that he suffers from ADHD then, see to it that he undergoes proper medication and behavioral therapy or combination of both depending on the severity of the disorder. Parents need to give lot of attention towards their child with this disorder. It is important for the parents to understand that how this ADHD affects their child at school. It is necessary for the parents to inform the school and the class teacher of their child and make them aware that their kid has undergone a treatment for this disorder.
The child with ADHD needs to be handled sensitively and therefore, parents and the teachers must carefully handle the children with ADHD. The child must be tested for his strength’s and weaknesses and accordingly an individualized educational programme must be designed. The teachers and the parents of the children with ADHD must understand that the child with ADHD needs lots of support and encouragement to lead a normal life and get cured of their disorder. Moreover, for the parents, they must understand that they themselves are the best advocate of their child. So support your child suffering from ADHD with love and affection and help him grow successfully.