Holistic ADHD Treatment Options
Finding alternative treatments for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be risky and frustrating. No conclusive medical evidence currently exists that supports holistic ADHD treatment options, but this should not stop you from investigating non-traditional methods in conjunction with a licensed medical professional. There are promising studies (Mayo Clinic) that are bringing hope to families who struggle to minimize symptoms of ADHD with a loved one. These include essential fatty acids, neuro-feedback training, and meditation.
Essential Fatty Acids
There is no scientific certainty regarding the cause of ADHD. Although it can be diagnosed, the medical community is split on the cause. There is a consensus however that stimulant based medications are not the best way to treat children. Holistic ADHD treatment options are finding their place in the medical community and among them one showing great promise is essential fatty acids (EFA) including Omega -3 (EFA) and Omega-6 fatty acids also known as DHA (Study of EFA effects). Current studies are providing the medical community with a new way to look at necessary nutrient supplementation for ADHD sufferers. These EFA’s are known to be necessary for brain health and control studies find young children with ADHD symptoms are responding to the treatment.
Neuro-feedback Training
The definition of Neuro-feedback is: Direct training of the brain that challenges the brain to better function – a form of Biofeedback (Neuro-feedback). Sensors are applied to the scalp, and an electroencephalogram (EEG) is attached, this allows the treatment teams to monitor the brain waves and discover any existing amplified signals. When the signal is interpreted stimulus will be used to reward or challenge the brain using feedback in the form of visual, auditory, or tactile interaction. This form of feedback acts as a push to the brain to begin working within a desired amplitude and normal frequency ranges.
Neuro-feedback studies have been conducted over for decades regarding a multitude of mental health disorders. Most recently, a meta-analysis (Meta Study) to observe the effectiveness of neuro-feedback showed promising results including effectiveness in treating inattention and impulse control. It was shown to have a lesser effect on hyperactivity. These new and exciting studies are bringing hope to families looking for holistic ADHD treatment options.
Holistic ADHD Treatment Options – Meditation
Meditation is as old as most religions. Using meditation as a holistic ADHD treatment option, in conjunction with treatment options listed above can spark significant change in children learning to refocus the trouble areas of ADHD. Meditation is universal and allows the parent or child to focus on quieting the inside. It has been shown to be extremely effective in a school setting where children are experiencing less behavioral problems when they start the day in meditation.
Today’s research points towards less medication and more holistic ADHD treatment options for children. Finding a balance of nutritional supplements, neuro-feedback, and meditation may help families find a harmonic place for a child or adult suffering from this condition. Include your treatment provider in the process.