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Choosing the Best Drug Treatment Centers

When you choose your doctor you take your time, do research and try to choose the best doctor you can for your individual needs—the same should be true when you choose a drug treatment center. Choosing the best drug treatment center should be more than just opening the phone book and setting an appointment with the first center you call—you need to make sure that you are choosing a facility that is going to provide you with the best possible treatment for your individual needs and condition.

When you begin to research the options for drug treatment that are available in your area, consider asking these questions to assure that you know exactly what you can expect from the center before you make a final decision on drug treatment:

Drug Addiction Treatment Centers

Your recovery depends on the drug treatment center you choice.

How many staff members are there per client? How many clients are there?

You will want to know how many staff members there will be per client to determine an idea of how much one on one time you will receive. You don’t want a treatment center that has a high client to staff ratio because this could mean that you won’t receive the specialized one on one care you need and deserve.

How long does the typical treatment program last?

You’ll want to aim for a treatment center that gears it’s drug treatment programs on a scale of at least 90 days or more to assure the greatest chance of a full and effective recovery. Studies show that in order for drug treatment to be most effective an addict must remain in treatment for a period of at least 90 days or more.

What types of treatment are offered and will I have a choice in the types of therapy that I take part in?

Of course there will be some types of therapy that you may not want to take part in just because it doesn’t appeal to you in any way and that is fine. You will want to look for a treatment center that offers a number of different therapy options to assure you can find a therapy that is effective and interesting to you.

Are treatment plans individualized for every client?

Make sure that you choose a drug treatment center that has individualized treatment plans for each client. You don’t want a one size fits all treatment approach because one size simply doesn’t fit all. Look for a treatment center that provides individualized treatment plans for every person in therapy and also that audits the plan regularly to make necessary changes or adjustments to assure lasting recovery.

What type of aftercare planning is provided?

If you ask this question and the treatment center tells you that they do not provide aftercare or do not work with you after you have completed the program—turn away immediately. Treatment centers should work with you to develop an aftercare plan that will assure your long term recovery well after you have completed drug treatment.

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