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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, largely affects the small children. In a global survey, it was found that the ADHD affects approximately 3 percent to 5 percent of all children. ADHD can be kept under control by proper treatment but only a few are aware that children suffering with ADHD are likely to carry the disorder even in their adolescence. It was studied that nearly 30 percent to 70 percent children continued to exhibit symptoms of ADHD in their adult years. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults is not easily identified.

Mostly the adults suffering from ADHD are unaware of their problem and often get stuck or frustrated in their daily life, for example, they fail to organize things and find it difficult stick to schedule or concentrate and meet dead lines. The adults who suffer from ADHD may also experience distractibility, impulsivity and restlessness. Adults with ADHD tend to experience failure at work, relationship and are also involved in automobile accidents. These adults also carry a low self-esteem and negative perception. Often adults with ADHD opt for seeking professional help for their anxiety and depression.

Only those adults are termed to be affected by this disorder, which had Adhd symptoms from their childhood. For diagnosing ADHD in adults, their history needs to be carefully studied along with physical examination and also psychological tests. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults can also be identified by studying their learning disabilities, anxiety or other symptoms of ADHD.

A correct diagnosis can help the adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder) to undertake proper treatment, which largely includes medications and psychotherapy. Medicines like stimulants are largely used for this purpose. In addition, the psychological therapy helps in building the inner mental strength of an individual and teaches them to cope up with their disorder without having any negative effects on their personal, professional and social front.

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Is PTSD Causing your Addiction?

Post-traumatic stress disorder

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