Teenager Catherine Woollard will be legally allowed to drink for the first time this week – but, for her, the novelty of alcohol wore off years ago. Set to celebrate her 18th birthday tomorrow, she began drinking at the age of 12 following the sudden death of her grandmother. By the time she was 16,….
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When Saratoga County sheriff’s deputies broke up an underage drinking party in Ballston last month and charged 22 area teens with possession of alcohol, reactions varied. Some thought the kids got a bum deal. Many, however, agreed the community as a whole needs to remain proactive in stemming teen drinking. Statistics show youths are starting….
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15-year-old who woke each morning wanting a drink has sobered up after therapy involving mountain biking and abseiling. The boy who spent eight months on a Christchurch City Mission adventure therapy course agreed to speak to The Press after an Otago University study into the care of young people with alcohol and drug problems. The….
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As children grow, cells in the brain (known as neurons) are constantly making new connections with other cells in the brain. The stronger these neural pathways within the brain become, the more efficiently children can perform new skills. Neural pathways within the brain strengthen whenever new skills are learnt and, to some degree, this process….
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A new study from The University of Texas School of Public Health has found that brief and personal intervention can significantly reduce drinking among risky college drinkers. The researchers found that motivational interviewing with feedback (MIF) significantly reduced drinking among a group of heavy-drinking college students. The MIF intervention includes a personalized feedback profile and….
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While Britain tries a new approach to curb underage drinking, teenage binges are on the rise across the Channel If there is one country that might be expected to greet the chief medical officer’s words on not mixing children and alcohol with a loud cough and splutter, it is France. In the land of rolling….
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Underage drinking is a serious problem — and getting worse When police are called to a party or other event where minors are in possession of or have consumed alcoholic beverages, enforcement action is sometimes met with scorn or ridicule – not by the underage drinkers, but by a small minority of parents or guardians…..
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The festive season has come and gone. The fun will forever be cherished by those who had a fabulous time. Some will forever cherish the fun they had while others will reflect at the bad things they did. It is definitely an indisputable fact that some young blades are now addicted to the things they….
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A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held today to mark a construction milestone at British Columbia’s first long-term residential treatment centre for youth challenged by addiction. The event at The Crossing at Keremeos was held to celebrate the completion of Ashnola Lodge, a residential building that will provide accommodation for 20 youth, along with space for programs…..
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According to scientists, there is a link between exposure to alcohol in the womb and an attraction to its smell during teenage life. The researchers state that a fetus can recall and be drawn to odor stimuli from what its mother ingests during pregnancy. A new study from the State University of New York found….
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