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Tagged: Alcohol

Underage drinking costs Nebraska $447 million

In these tough economic times, most people are watching where they spend their money, and it’s likely they wouldn’t be pleased to know that nearly $252 goes missing annually without them realizing it. That money goes to cover the costs associated with the hospitalization, law enforcement work and even funerals of minors who consume alcohol…..

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MADD offers sobering facts on kids and alcohol

It’s teen party season, with spring break on and prom and graduation bashes not far behind. And for parents of teens come more worries about safety and the ever-present temptation for the kids to drink. Janet Mondshein, executive director of the Miami chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, offers some sobering facts in a chat….

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Drinkers Warned About Risk Of ‘Shakes’

People who consume three alcoholic drinks every day double their risk of getting the “shakes” in later life, researchers have found. Essential tremor, a common neurological disorder, affects an estimated 650,000 people in the UK. Although there are a number of factors which can cause the condition including an overactive thyroid and Parkinson’s disease, alcoholics….

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Dangers of Underage Drinking

There is nothing positive about underage drinking. Teenagers sometimes get behind the wheel and drive under the influence which is a big issue. According to studies by the National Crime Prevention Council, automobile crashes related to underage drinking are the leading cause of death for teens. Approximately 36% of traffic deaths of 15- to 20-year-olds….

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Getting A Degree In Drinking

For many students at Ohio State, drinking is a part of life. For about 44 percent of those students, it’s a large part. That’s the percentage of students who fit the profile of “high-risk drinkers,” according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. With nearly half of college students characterized as high-risk drinkers,….

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Underage Drinking Debate

Underage drinking is one of the problematic issues constantly associated with adolescence. Eshe Nelson, 17, speaks to her peers and gives their perspective on the debate as well as her own. Everyone knows that drinking alcohol under 18 is illegal, and just as many of us know that it’s a law liberally broken. Because of….

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Alcohol portrayals in films and advertisements make people drink more

New research has shown for the first time that portrayals of alcohol in films and TV advertisements have an immediate effect on the amount of alcohol that people drink. The research, published online in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, found that people who watched films and commercials in which alcohol drinking featured prominently immediately reached….

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Ankle Bracelet Monitors Alcohol Intake

Think of it as a breathalyzer you wear. SCRAM is a relatively new piece of technology, designed to keep people sober. The device is being shown this week to a Nashville audience. A DUI could be enough to scare a driver sober, but one small device will make one stay that way. “Literally, if you….

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Drinkers’ Red Face May Signal Cancer Risk

People whose faces turn red when they drink alcohol may be facing more than embarrassment. The flushing may indicate an increased risk for a deadly throat cancer, researchers report. The flushing response, which may be accompanied by nausea and a rapid heartbeat, is caused mainly by an inherited deficiency in an enzyme called ALDH2, a….

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Society woman explodes alcohol myths

On the outside she lived a youthful life of glamorous balls and high society but on the inside Liz Jamieson-Hastings had a terrible secret she was an alcoholic. Now a respected alcohol counsellor who works in schools and prisons, Liz has written a book about her experiences, Still Standing: From debutante to detox to help….

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