It’s proven that drinking and driving, binge drinking and underage drinking cause death and serious injury. Despite the statistics, members of the Legislature turn their heads away from the problem and continue to reap the sales tax revenue, as bars refuse to participate in server training and overserve patrons. Adults actually admit they feel there’s….
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When you go into drug treatment there’s always a chance that you will suffer bouts of depression along the way. Depression is a serious condition and coping with depression on top of all the other thoughts and conditions that you are dealing with in drug treatment can be difficult. But, who said the road to….
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Ann’s husband is an alcoholic. Spouses of alcoholics have two options — they can leave the alcoholic or they can seek help and understanding in order to live with the person they love. Ann chose the second option. For several years Ann has been attending Al-Anon. Ann is not her real name and her identity….
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Treatment centers focus much of the time that addicts spend in recovery on helping them to heal psychologically. Psychological counseling in treatment centers takes many forms but for most, it is this counseling that is most effective at helping individuals to really overcome addiction and make a full recovery. Cognitive therapy is one of the….
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Excessive sway during quiet standing is a common and significant consequence of chronic alcoholism, even after prolonged sobriety, and can lead to fall-related injury and even death. A new study of residual postural instability in alcohol-abstinent men and women shows that alcoholics improve with prolonged sobriety, but the improvement may not fully erase the problem….
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